Following the success of Sunday Feb27th, 2011's "Here and There and Here" at Artscape Gibraltar Point, The YoGuy Team is getting ready for itssister event of similar titling at Kensington Market's: Double Double Land (DDL) on March 27th, 2011. This time, 17 artists from 10 different cities will approach this 'coming together' in a curatorial re-contextualization that acts as an exploration of space and time; that their visions will bring forth a quest and adventure in the liminal, the mystical and the absurd. From ways of seeing, ways of experiencing and ways of escaping, each time-based work eclectically forms the nature of this special event.
Featured in the program are 2 live performances, by DDL artists, and 20 videos from visual artists; local and abroad. All artists in this show know that their context is the hosting space, while the videos approach this context through means of tone and mood, the performers use their intimate relationship with DDL to create thematic and haunting visual manifestations that reinforce the experience. They will act as anchors that stabilize and reflect the atmosphere of the event. As a curatorial experiment, “Here and There and Here/There and Here and There” explores ways of viewing that are not relying on the superficial but on the undercurrents of feeling and emotion.
If you missed the Feb27th, 2011 event on the Toronto Island than you’d be silly to miss this extraordinary re-event! Check out more info on the lastevent here…
More videos on YoGuy:
Jon McCurely: http://www.amylamwebsite.com/craphead.html
Laura McCoy: http://www.flickr.com/people/lauramccoy/ and http://lauramccoy.blogspot.com/
More Acts TBA
Micheal Farley (Baltimore, Maryland) http://www.bakerartistawards.org/nomination/view/michael%20farley
Paul B. Davis (London, UK) http://www.post-data.org/~paul/
Anna-May Henry (Toronto, Canada) http://fantasticalgeographic.blogspot.com/
Jamie Callum Ross (Montreal, Canada) http://www.jamieross.org/
Hazel-Hill McCarthy III (Los Angeles, California) http://www.hazelhillmccarthyiii.com/
Geoffrey Pugen (Toronto, Canada) http://www.geoffreypugen.com/
Jules Marquis (New York, New York) http://www.julesmarquis.com/
Jon Clark (Los Angeles, California) http://jonclarkvideo.com/
Abbe Findley (Kansas City, Missouri) http://www.youtube.com/user/sheughnessy
Iris Fraser-Gundrunas (Toronto, Canada) http://vimeo.com/irisfraser
Robby Rackleff (Baltimore, Maryland) http://dothemathcomics.com/
Dan Siney (Vancouver, Canada) http://lesgallery.ca/?p=123
Laura McCoy (Toronto, Canada) http://lauramccoy.blogspot.com/
Neelam Kler (Nanaimo, Canada) http://webspace.ocad.ca/~nk05lS/
Colin Snapp (New York, New York) http://www.colinsnapp.com/
March 27th, 2011_7PM – 10PM
(show opens at 7:00PM)
Double Double Land
209 Augusta (in the alley and up the stairs)
Toronto, ON M5T 1M1
Neighbourhood: Kensington Market
MAP - http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=209%20Augusta%20toronto&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl
Any further Questions or related matters please feel free to contact:
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