Monday, June 1, 2009

IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!!!! Once again the time has come for a little bit of ear destruction from the masters of 'not knowing what we're doing' and the professors of 'givein a lil'bit of a shit but not really' comes a night of pure mesh-mesh-mesh insanity! Something I think we all need... especially after the over-priced (and over hyped) Nord-by-Nord-Est! SO COME ON DOWN TO OUR LITTLE RUMBLE-N-TUMBLE with guests: BOTOX CORVETTE - (Mischief maker of the highest quality! This one of a kind doppleganger is chalk full of surprises and happenin beats! CHOICE! CHOICE!) ANAEQ - (Japanese noise/performance collective that create bleak and distant noise orchestrations. Guaranteed to twist your brain up!) DISGUISES - (T.O. Legends these guys are fantastic live and defiantly worth seeing at an event like this. Self described as being "total bombed out sci-fi soundscapes. Wasted-Psych.") R.O.M.I.N.S. (Toronto Collective - Doom/Drone/Noise/Beats We are back again... 6 months after our last brutal onslaught! We plan to go big... and loud(er)(est)... again!) With visuals by Bennett. -Contact me if you'd like to be a part of the end jam AND ONE MORE ACT TBA! JUNE 26th 2009 IN TORONTO CANADA Doors at 8PM 15 Lower Sherbourne at the lovely Siesta Nouveaux building! $5 or PWYC and BYOB (party.) HERE IS THE MAP!,-97.119141&sspn=40.520163,99.84375&ie=UTF8&ll=43.689877,-79.394288&spn=0.02225,0.048752&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A I suggest being here.

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