Monday, June 22, 2009

JUNE 26TH 2009

poster_june26 Poster by: Filip Anton

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

body to body

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Monday, June 1, 2009

New work by ELTONO
Zachary Royer Scholz
IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!!!!! Once again the time has come for a little bit of ear destruction from the masters of 'not knowing what we're doing' and the professors of 'givein a lil'bit of a shit but not really' comes a night of pure mesh-mesh-mesh insanity! Something I think we all need... especially after the over-priced (and over hyped) Nord-by-Nord-Est! SO COME ON DOWN TO OUR LITTLE RUMBLE-N-TUMBLE with guests: BOTOX CORVETTE - (Mischief maker of the highest quality! This one of a kind doppleganger is chalk full of surprises and happenin beats! CHOICE! CHOICE!) ANAEQ - (Japanese noise/performance collective that create bleak and distant noise orchestrations. Guaranteed to twist your brain up!) DISGUISES - (T.O. Legends these guys are fantastic live and defiantly worth seeing at an event like this. Self described as being "total bombed out sci-fi soundscapes. Wasted-Psych.") R.O.M.I.N.S. (Toronto Collective - Doom/Drone/Noise/Beats We are back again... 6 months after our last brutal onslaught! We plan to go big... and loud(er)(est)... again!) With visuals by Bennett. -Contact me if you'd like to be a part of the end jam AND ONE MORE ACT TBA! JUNE 26th 2009 IN TORONTO CANADA Doors at 8PM 15 Lower Sherbourne at the lovely Siesta Nouveaux building! $5 or PWYC and BYOB (party.) HERE IS THE MAP!,-97.119141&sspn=40.520163,99.84375&ie=UTF8&ll=43.689877,-79.394288&spn=0.02225,0.048752&t=h&z=15&iwloc=A I suggest being here.